
The MACBLUE project is about strengthening coastal biodiversity conservation and management through the protection and rehabilitation incentives for coastal carbon sinks in Pacific Island countries specifically in Fiji, PNG, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The project will utilize innovative remote sensing approaches to map the extent of Seagrass and Mangrove (SaM) in the 4 project countries and will assess and model related carbon storage capacity, emission potential and ecosystem services. The resulting data will allow inventories of associated natural capital and will support government partners in their efforts to strategically develop and implement conservation, management and rehabilitation efforts. Based on effective mapping and analysis of the carbon sequestration and storage of SaM, Governments will be assisted to establish nationally appropriate incentives for sustainable management and rehabilitation efforts as part of NDCs, NAPs and other policy and strategic documents.

Project detail
Short Name

Output 1 - National mapping of seagrass and mangrove ecosystems.
Output 2 - Associated ecosystem services, in particular carbon reduction and emission potential, as well as anthropogenic threat factors are quantified and documented.
Output 3 - Strategic contributions to improve legal guidelines for incentives and sustainable approaches for the protection and rehabilitation of seagrass and mangroves.
Output 4 - Proven management and rehabilitation approaches are implemented at priority sites and demonstrated as a model for national replication.
Output 5 - Proven concepts and instruments for the sustainable management of seagrass and mangrove populations are incorporated into relevant national, regional and international discourse through strategic communication approaches.

Start Date
End Date