
The primary aim of the Project is to support Pacific Island Countries to enhance and implement their country’s NDC driving sustainable and resilient development and transition to a low carbon development pathway. This will contribute to sustainable and resilient development and promote a transition to a low-carbon development pathway in the Pacific.

Project detail
Short Name
Pacific NDC Hub

The overall objective of the Hub is to support Pacific Island Countries in reviewing, enhancing and implementing their climate commitments. This is defined by the following benchmarks:
0. Regional Pacific NDC Hub established
1. NDCs reviewed and enhanced
2. Roadmaps and investment plans developed to support NDC implementation
3. Finance leveraged to support NDC implementation through improved regional coordination
4. Guidance and technical assistance provided to streamline and integrate NDCs into national and regional plans and processes
5. NDC related information and knowledge, learning and partnership mechanisms enhanced to support NDC enhancement and implementation

Start Date
End Date
Project Location