The Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) has officially launched its inaugural training program under the Project for Innovative Solutions for the Pacific Climate Change Resilience (ISPCCR), a significant step forward in addressing the pressing challenges of climate change in the region.
This initiative, developed in partnership with the PCCC, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Government of Samoa, and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), seeks to empower participants with the knowledge and tools to drive innovative solutions forward and foster public-private partnership.
This training program consists of three courses. The first, titled “Climate Change Impacts and Innovative Solutions in the Pacific,” takes place from 2 to 30 September 2024, virtually. The second and third courses will be hybrid, with some participants attending in person at the PCCC.
The first course focuses on enhancing understanding of climate change, assessing risks and vulnerabilities in critical sectors such as disaster risk reduction, ecosystems, food production systems, water, tourism, and health. Participants will also learn about innovative solutions through selected case studies of successful climate interventions applied in the islands and across sectors.
“Fostering innovative approaches in the fight against climate change is crucial for our Pacific Islands and we’re pleased to be able to support this through these training courses,” said Ms 'Ofa Kaisamy, PCCC Manager.
This partnership aims to work together to successfully build a resilient and sustainable future for our Pacific Islands. Through the functions of the PCCC, enhanced capacity has contributed to the work undertaken by others to empower collaboration between the private and public sectors.
More than 120 registered participants from across the region including government and private sector representatives are engaging in the training. Nominated by the Pacific Island Climate Change Focal Points, the participants are expected to complete this first transformative course to enhance their understanding about climate science and their ability to map applicable innovative solutions in tackling local climate change threats.
Mr. Yoshiro Mizuno, Project Leader of ISPCCR, elaborated on the structure of the training program. He explained “the first course will provide foundational knowledge about climate change and its impacts, along with innovative solutions tailored for the Pacific region. The subsequent courses will delve into Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and the intricacies of preparing proposals to secure climate finance. Those two courses will be run after next year”.
“This collective effort marks a significant milestone in our journey toward resilience and sustainability in the face of climate change”.
To learn more about the training please visit: Cir#24/51: Call for nominations: Pacific Climate Change Centre virtual training on “Climate change impacts and innovative solutions in the Pacific” 2 September - 30 September 2024. | Pacific Environment (