What is PEBACC doing?

The overal intended outcome of the project is: Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EBA) is integrated into development, climate change adaptation responses, and natural resource management policy and planning processes in three Pacific island countries providing replicable models for other countries in the region. 

PEBACC has four outputs:

  1. Ecosystem and socio-economic resilience analysis and mapping (ESRAM) completed as a basis for adaptation planning at national, provincial and community levels.
  2. EbA options analysed, prioritised and plans developed.
  3. EbA plans implemented with demonstrated benefits.
  4. Communications and outreach products developed to promote integration of EbA options into climate change policies, plans and projects.

IMG 0288

PEBACC timeline and budget

PEBACC will run from 2014 – 2019 and has a budget of €4,945 million.

Participating countries

Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu


Project staffing comprises a project manager, country component managers, country officers, a communications officer and a finance and administration assistant.

Further information

To find out more about PEBACC contact:
SPREP Suva Office| PO Box 2085, Suva, Fiji | T: +679 3311382, 7731138 | E: [email protected] 

The Pacific environment, sustaining our livelihoods and natural heritage in harmony with our cultures.