
Adaptation has been an important part of the national dialogue over the last two decades, evidenced by the strong emphasis placed on adaptation in Nauru’s first and second national communications to the UNFCCC in 2001 and 2015 respectively. Additionally, adaptation is the primary focus of Nauru’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (iNDC), published in 2015. The iNDC states “Nauru is keen to improve its resilience which has been severely compromised by nearly a century of intensive phosphate mining”, highlighting one of the specific challenges Nauru faces when planning climate change adaptation approaches.

To address the challenges faced by Nauru, this proposal outlines a phased approach to streamline adaptation efforts and develop a robust national adaptation planning process. This proposal aligns closely with Nauru’s National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) 2005 – 2025 (revised in 2019) and builds on The Republic of Nauru Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Framework (RONAdapt). The RONAdapt will be reviewed and updated during the project to become Nauru’s National Adaptation Plan document.
This proposal addresses the four high level outcomes for adaptation planning set out by the GCF Readiness Guidebook:
• Adaptation planning governance and institutional coordination strengthened
• Evidence basis produced to design adaptation solutions for maximum impact
• Private sector engagement catalysed
• Adaptation finance increased.
The vision/goal statement for this proposal to achieve these outcomes is:
IF Nauru strengthens its governance and institutional coordination; the evidence base relating to climate change impacts, risks and vulnerabilities; its stakeholder engagement processes; and its ability to prioritise adaptation needs, THEN the RONAdapt can provide an effective platform to increase resilience and address vulnerability to climate change in a systematic way BECAUSE Nauru now possesses the information to make evidenced-based decisions and prioritise actions, as well as the capacity, tools and institutions to implement these actions”

Project detail
Short Name
NAP Nauru

Phase One of Nauru’s National Adaptation Planning project will establish strong foundations by: (i) addressing capacity and institutional challenges in adaptation planning, (ii) updating climate projections, (iii) developing a strong evidence base, (iv) investigating ways to strengthen engagement of the private sector in adaptation planning and (v) identifying, appraising and prioritising adaptation actions.
The indicative objective of Phase Two is to develop the updated RONAdapt, based on outputs from Phase One – ensuring it becomes Nauru’s National Adaptation Planning document. Additionally, Phase Two will include the development of an Adaptation M&E Framework, a climate change adaptation financing strategy, at least two concept notes to the GCF and a capacity building program to support the implementation of the updated RONAdapt. The flexibility of a phased approach will maximise benefits of implementation and lessons learned, whilst taking advantage of the iterative nature of adaptation planning.

Start Date
End Date
Project Location