Featured Publications

SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
Our Pacific Ocean, Our Stories: Learning more about ocean acidification (Factsheet 7)
EBA Port Vila, Vanuatu
Planning for ecosystem-based adaptation in Port Vila, Vanuatu : synthesis report
ESRAM-Wagina island, Solomon Islands, Vol 2
Ecosystem and Socio-Economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping (ESRAM), Solomon Islands, Volume 2 : Wagina Island (Choiseul Province)
Climate change report card
Pacific marine climate change report card 2018
NEMS - Marshall Islands
The Republic of the Marshall Islands National Environment Management Strategy (NEMS) 2017-2022