Climate Change Resilience
Meteorological acronym for today: CliDE (Climate Data for the Environment) is a Climate Data Management System that provides each country with a central database for climate records.

5 April 2013, Rarotonga Cook Islands - The three year Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science Adaptation Planning Program funded by the Government of Australia comes to an end in June this year. It consisted of two major components - adaptation; and science.

Yet to be released under the science component are three key products now being finalised for release shortly, a conclusion to projects that have culminated in many different science products communications training training and online tools over the term of the program.

A PACCSAP technical report which contains the new science from the last two years in particular will feature an update on the current climate projections in all 14 Pacific Island nations; an upgraded version of Pacific Climate Futures, an online tool that will enable decision makers, policy makers, met services and key stakeholders acquire specific country climate projections to help guide climate change adaptation. There will also be a summary report on new science specifically designed for a non technical audience, so that communities can understand key findings.

DSC 0778Mr. Geoff Gooley of PACCSAP making a special presentation

"For the climate tools developed and enhanced by the PACCSAP program, we've been able to train many people in each of the Pacific islands, while we have focused on building capacity in the Met Services we have also included where possible other sectoral and regional organisations, and stakeholders, " said Mr. Geoff Gooley of PACCSAP.

"We are now seeing these tools and other products being used in a practical way to generate information to inform adaptation planning and policy development as well as other climate related activities. We are seeing in all countries tangible evidence of impact and that is very positive."

While the PACCSAP Science Program finishes in two months time, all the products and services were delivered in a way to ensure sustainability so the benefits can live on beyond the end of the program. A key part of the PACCSAP was committed to build capacity in country so national partners have the skill and expertise to take the products forward over the next several years.

"In terms of future such programmes it is unknown at this stage. It is very dependent on Pacific stakeholders determining what is the role of climate science, what are the needs and what are the best options for developing a new regional approach to delivery of climate research."

For the Cook Islands Meteorological Service, the PACCSAP program has been extremely valuable.

DSC 0759Mr Arona Ngari, Cook Islands Met Service

"I am glad we have gone through the PACCSAP, through this most of my staff here have taken part in training. I am hopeful that regional partners including, Australia will consider supporting any new opportunity to see continuation of this work including projects such as the CLIDE database, " said Mr. Arona Ngari of the Cook Islands Met Service.

Pacific meteorological directors, stakeholders and development partners have come together from 31 March to 4 April in the Cook Islands for the Regional Consultation on Climate Services for Pacific Small Island States and Related Meetings. A special presentation on PACCSAP was featured as part of this conference.