Compiled by the SPREP IRC and Library the Pacific Environment Information Network [PEIN] Regional Frameworks and Strategies Directory is a browsable directory of regional environment frameworks, strategies and action plans. The intention of the PEIN Regional Frameworks and Strategies Directory is to provide a browsable access point for the range of regional strategic planning frameworks produced by the various institutions active in the Pacific. It is intended to compliment the tables of legal documents, instruments, conventions and treaties maintained by the SPREP Legal Advisor. Contributions of documents, whether in hardcopy or digital form are welcome and can be sent to [email protected]
[*Note that many of the documents below are large pdf files and may be difficult to load. Some pdf files may only be compatible with version 6.0 of adobe acrobat or higher. The issue should be resolved by upgrading to the latest Adobe Reader software. The Reader version 8 is free software available on the Adobe website at
Documents can be requested from [email protected]
Regional Frameworks, Stategies and Action Plans - Generic
Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region: 2014-2020 (NEW)
Pacific Islands Meteorological Strategy: 2012-2021 (NEW)
Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme: 2013-2017 (NEW)
Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change 2006-2015 (2nd ed.) (NEW)
Action Strategy for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Island Region 2008-2012 (2010; 5mb)
see also Action Strategy for Nature Conservation in the Pacific Islands Region, 2003-2007 (2002; 614kb)
see also Roundtable for nature Conservation current website
see also Roundtable for Nature Conservation website archive
see also Review of the Action Strategy for Nature Conservation in the Pacific Island Region 2003-2007
Aid and the Environment - building resilience, sustaining growth [An environmental strategy for Australian aid]
Asian Development Bank Pacific Regional Environment Strategy 2005-2009 ; Asian Development Bank Strategy 2020: The Long-Term Strategic Framework of the Asian Development Bank 2008-2020 - see also The Pacific Approach 2010 - 2014
Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (1994)
Global Environment Facility: Country Support Programme - GEF Focal points in the Pacific
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Pacific Plan 2009-2010 (2008; 638kb)
MICRONESIA ACTION PLAN FY2008 to 2010 [The Nature Conservancy] (2008; 187kb)
NZAID Pacific Regional Environment & Vulnerability Strategy
The Pacific Plan (various docs) see Implementation Strategy (2006; 140kb)
Pacific Regional Strategy FY2006-2009 [World Bank]
Pacific WSSD Regional Assessment (2002; 91kb) and Pacific Position Paper: Further Implementation of the BPoA and New and Emerging Concerns (2004; 91kb)
Partnership for change: the EU's development cooperation with African, Pacific and Caribbean countries[EU] (2010; 5.09mb)
Reducing Vulnerability of Pacific ACP States through Island Systems Management [SOPAC]
Secretariat of the Pacific Community [SPC] Joint Country Strategies
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Action Plan [SPREP] [2005-2009; 1.55mb]; Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Strategic Programmes [SPREP] [2004-2013; 6.79mb]
United Nations Environment Programme Asia-Pacific website (various docs.) see also UNEP Regional Seas Global Strategy and UNEP Medium Term Strategy 2010-2013 (2007; 1.2mb)
World Conservation Union [IUCN] Strategy for Oceania (2003; 328kb)
World Heritage - Action Plan: Pacific 2009 *draft (2009; 733kb)
see also:
SPREP's Regional Instruments webpage
This section deals with the three regional instruments, for which SPREP is the secretariat: the Apia Convention 1976, the SPREP (or Noumea) Convention 1986 and the Waigani Convention 1995.
see also:
Asian Development Bank Pacific Strategy 2005-2009 (2004; 473kb)
AUSAID Pacific Regional Aid Strategy 2004-2009 (2004; 782kb)
European Community Regional Strategy Paper and Regional Indicative Programme for the period 2008-2013: Pacific Region (2008; 995kb)
European Union Pacific Strategy (2006; 3.9mb)) ; 9th European Development Fund Regional Strategy Paper and Regional Indicative Programme 2002-2007 (1.06mb)
Forum Fisheries Agency Strategic Plan 2005-2020 (2004; 1.49mb)
Global Environment Facility [GEF] Operational Strategy
Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative
Sustainable development priorities for South Pacific: civil society position [UNEP] (2004; 5.25.mb)
United Nations Development Programme Pacific Centre website (various docs.)
United Nations Millenium Development Goals website (various docs.) and Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Website and Reports
World Bank Pacific Regional Strategy (2006-2009) (2005; 3.03mb) see also World Bank Pacific website
see also:
MEA Strategies and Plans:
Rotterdam Convention Programme activities and operational programme budget for the triennium 2009 - 2011 (47kb)
Regional Frameworks, Stategies and Action Plans - Topical
2010 International Year of Biodiversity: a Strategic Framework for the Pacific [SPREP] (2010; 102kb)
Action Plan for the Implementation of the World Heritage - Pacific 2009 [UNESCO] (2004
Action Plan for Implementing Education for Sustainable Development in the Pacific islands 2008-2014(2008; 1.12mb)
Action Plan for the Implementation of the Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change 2006-2015 (2008; 42kb)
Action Strategy for Environmental Education and Training in the Pacific Region: 1999-2003 [SPREP] (1998; 1.1mb)
Asia-Pacific Water Forum (approach, priority themes and key result areas) [SOPAC et al.]
The Bellagio Blueprint for Action on Pacific Sea Turtles (2004) see also 2007 meeting update
Bird Conservation Priorities and Draft Avifauna Strategy for the Pacific Islands Region [SPREP] (2001; 433kb)
Climate Change Implementation Plan: Pacific Islands Region 2009-2015 - * Consultation draft [ADB] (2009; 245kb) plus appendices (509kb)
Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management: A Framework for Action 2005-2015
(2005; 10mb]
Education and Communication for a Sustainable Pacific : guiding framework 2005 - 2007 [SPREP] 2005; 36kb)
Engaging our Pacific Neighbours on Climate Change: Australia’s approach (2009; 1.51mb)
Fishery ecosystem plan for Pacific pelagic fisheries of the Western Pacific Ocean [WPRFMC] (2005; 2.15mb)
Fishery ecosystem plan for Pacific Remote Island Areas [WPRFMC] (2005; 2.11mb)
Forest and Tree Genetic Resource Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use in Pacific Island Countries and Territories: Priorities, Strategies and Actions, 2007-2015 [SPC] (2007; 531kb)
Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific [SPC] (2010)
Framework for South-South Co-operation on Biodiversity [CBD] (2006)
Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (1995)
Guidelines for Invasives Species Management in the Pacific: a Pacific Strategy for Managing Pests, Weeds and other Invasive Species / [Fr] [SPREP] (2009; 3.01mb)
Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters (HFA) [UNISDR] and Strategic National Action Plan [SNAP] template [UNISDR]
Land Resources Division - Strategic Plan 2005-2008 [SPC]
Invasive species in the Pacific: a regional strategy [SPREP] (2000; 191kb) / Invasive species in the Pacific: a technical review and draft regional strategy [SPREP] (2000; 923kb)
Joint Caribbean and Pacific Programme for Action on Water and Climate (2009; 2.66mb) - see Annex 1
International Coral Reef Action Network Pacific Programme (ICRAN) (2001-2005)
Our Sea of Islands – Our Livelihoods – Our Oceania Framework for a Pacific Oceanscape [CROPs] (2010; 1.29mb)
Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum [PBIF] Strategic Plan 2007-2009 (draft)
Pacific Education for Sustainable Development Framework (2006; 311kb)
see also Action Plan for Implementing Education for Sustainable Development in the Pacific islands 2008-2014 [SPREP] (2008; 1.12mb)
Pacific Invasives Initiative Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 (2010;
Pacific Islands Framework for Action on Climate Change 2006-2015 [SPREP] (2005; 208kb) and Action Plan(2008; 42kb)
The Pacific Island Global Climate Observing System (PIGCOS) : action plan (2002) [WMO / SPREP]
Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP) (2007) [UNDP / GEF / SPREP] (2002; 480kb)
Pacific Island Marine Protected Area Community (PIMPAC) Strategic Plan 2010-2012 (2009; 236kb)
Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme, 2008-2012 [SPREP] (2008)
Pacific islands Regional Alliance for Global Ocean Observing System: a strategy for PacificGOOS [SOPAC] (2001; 383 kb)
Pacific Islands Regional Coastal Fisheries Management Policy ['Apia Policy' - 2008-2013] (2008; 4.62mb)
Pacific Islands Regional Guidelines for Whale and Dolphin Watching / FR [SPREP / IFAW] (2009; 2.77mb)
Pacific Islands Regional Ocean Policy and Implementation Framework for Strategic Integrated Action (2005; 746kb)) [MSWG of CROP] - see also SPC Regional Ocean Policy website
Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Programme - PACPOL Strategy and Workplan [SPREP] (1999; 3.29mb)
PACPOL Strategy and Work Plans 2015-2020 (NEW)
PACPOL Strategy 2010-2014: summary for policy makers (brochure) (NEW)
'Pacific Oceanscape' see Our Sea of Islands – Our Livelihoods – Our Oceania Framework for a Pacific Oceanscape [CROPs] (2010; 1.29mb)
Pacific Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Water Management [SOPAC] (2002; 1.49mb)
Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010-2015 [SPREP] (2010; 1.89mb)
Pacific E-waste: A Regional Strategy and Action Plan: 2012 (NEW)
Pacific wastewater : framework for action (2001; 40kb) and Policy statement (2001; 24kb) [SOPAC / SPREP / PWA / UNEP/GPA]
PACPOL Strategy: Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Programme (PACPOL) Strategy 2010-2014: Strategy and workplans [SPREP] (2009; 1.4mb)
PACPOL Strategy
Protocol Concerning Co-operation in Combating Pollution Emergencies in the South Pacific Region (2001)
Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the South Pacific Region by Dumping (1986)
Regional Wetlands Action Plan for the Pacific 2011-2013 (NEW)
Regional Framework for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of Culture [SPC] (2002; 549kb)
Regional Maritime Programme - Strategic Plan 2006-2010 [SPC]
Regional Plan of Action: Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) (2009; 1.42mb)
Regional Seas Strategic Directions for 2004-2007 [UNEP]
Regional Solid Waste Strategy Action Plan 2008-2010 (2008; 37kb)
Regional Strategy for the Ex Situ Conservation and Use of Crop Genetic diversity in the Pacific Islands Region [SPC] (2006; 1.78mb)
Regional Strategy to Address Marine Pollution from World War II Wrecks [SPREP / ACPOL / SOPAC](2002; 937kb)
Regional Strategy to Comply with the Montreal Protocol in Pacific Island Countries [UNEP / SPREP] (2002; 347kb)
Regional Tuna Management and Development Strategy 2009-2014 [FFA] (2010; 222kb)
Regional Wetlands Action Plan for the Pacific Islands [SPREP] (1999; 1.83mb)
Renewable energy technology support programme for the Pacific Islands [SPREP] (2005; 486kb)
Responding to climate change in the Pacific: Moving from strategy to action [ADB] (2010; 419kb)
Shipping-related Introduced Marine Pests in the Pacific Islands: a regional strategy (2006; 1.96mb) [SPREP / IMO]
Solid Waste Management Strategy for the Pacific Region (2005; 636kb) and Action Plan (2006; 952kb)[SPREP] / Regional Solid Waste Strategy Action Plan 2008-2010 (2007; 73kb)
[Proposal for] a South Pacific Action Strategy for Green Tourism [TRIP Consultants] (2007; 1.88mb)
SPC Division of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems (FAME): strategic plan 2010-2013 (2009; 1.72mb)
SPREP / RAMSAR Memorandum of Understanding (2006) and Joint Work Plan (2002-2003) *Convention on Wetlands
Strategic Action Programme for International Waters of the Pacific Islands Region (1998; 605kb) SPREP] see also IWP Terminal Report (2007; 761kb)
Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Managent of Marine Resources in the Pacific Islands Region[NOAA] (2004; 3.9mb)
Strategic Plan of the Coastal Fisheries Section 2003-2005 [SPC]
Traditional Knowledge Implementation Action Plan [Forum] (2009)
Type II Pacific Umbrella Partnerships / Initiatives launched by Pacific Leaders at the World Summit for Sustainable Development 2002 - see SPREP 2004 update
- Capacity Building through Education and Training for the Sustainable Use and Management of Natural Resources and the Environment in the Pacific (2002- 2012) *archive document - not current
- Mainstreaming conservation of Biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge in the Pacific Islands (2003-2007) *archive document - not current
- Pacific Islands Adaptation Initiative (2003-2015) *archive document - not current
- Pacific Islands Waste Management Initiative (2003-2012) *archive document - not current
- Planning for Sustainable Community Lifestyles in the Pacific *archive document - not current
Valuing Pacific Fish: A framework for fisheries-related development assistance in the Pacific [AusAid] (2007; 1.03mb)
see also:
SPREP's International Instruments' webpage
"International instruments relevant to SPREP's work in the areas of Sustainable Economic Development, Ecosystems Management, Climate Change, and Waste Management."