Jope and Meapelo with participants of the training
Environmental Monitoring and Governance

Eleven Pacific countries have applauded a training designed to improve knowledge and skills of Environment Impact Asessment (EIA) regulators, Project Managers, and consultants from the private sector, who are engaged to prepare EIA reports. 

More than 60 participants attended the Pacific Learning Partnership for Environmental and Social Standards’s (PLP-ESS) 10th training module, delivered virtually, on how to effectively Scope for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies. 

The session was facilitated and delivered by SPREP’s Environmental Planning Team, consisting of Mr Jope Davetanivalu and Dr Gregory Barbara. Participants were introduced to key steps of preparing terms of reference (TOR) for a consultant to carry out project relevant EIA studies, and highlighted the benefits of using SPREP’s Regional EIA report template. 

Members of the World Bank ESS team also joined the PLP-ESS panel to discuss with participants guidance and tips on the selection and management of consultants to undertake EIA studies. 

With Covid-19 travel restrictions still persistent across the Pacific region, the PLP-ESS virtual mode of training delivery has proven effective and successful at reaching, engaging, and upskilling practitioners across the region since 2020. 

The relevance of the training module to EIA practitioners across the region was underscored by the vibrant questions and discussions shared by participants during the session. 

The participants shared their skills and discussed their experiences from setting up EIA review committees, enforcing EIA conditions on site to adjusting mitigation measures to account for chance finds and unforeseen impacts.

The PLP-ESS partnership is scheduled to continue with six more modules planned to be delivered before the end of 2021 and a further 10 modules in early 2022. 

For further details on the training, please contact Mr Meapelo Maiai, World bank Environmental and Social Safeguards Consultant, [email protected], Mr Jope Davetanivalu, Acting Director for Environmental Monitoring and Governance programme (SPREP), j[email protected] or Dr Gregory Barbara, Environmental Assessment and Planning Officer (SPREP), [email protected].

About the PLP-ESS
PLP-ESS Pacific learning partnership for environmental and social safeguards (PLP-ESS) is an agreed collaboration mechanism between the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the University of the South Pacific (USP), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank to bring together key skills, funding, and practical experience to support the Pacific in ensuring that the environmental and social risks of needed infrastructure are managed effectively, to enhance the economic development and the sustainable future of communities across the Pacific region.