Waste Management and Pollution Control
The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) officially signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) on the Japanese Technical Cooperation Project for Promotion of Regional Initiative on Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries Phase II (J-PRISM II) in Apia last month.

The MOC set out to obtain a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities of each party for the cooperative implementation of J-PRISM II project activities.

It also promotes mutual understanding of the project design and objective, facilitate exchange of information and achievements between both parties, and enhance SPREP's delivery of its solid waste management work programme.

JICA Deputy Director General for the Global Environment Department, Mr Satoshi Shigiya, and SPREP Director General, Mr Kosi Latu signing the Memorandum of Cooperation. Photo: SPREP

The MOC was officially signed by SPREP's Director General, Mr Kosi Latu and Mr Satoshi Shigiya, Deputy Director General for the Global Environment Department, JICA.

J-PRISM II is a five year multi-million dollar project funded by JICA in partnership with SPREP. It follows on from the success of the J-PRISM project which concluded in January this year. The project's overall goal is the sustainable management of solid waste in the Pacific region.

JICA's assistance to Pacific Island Countries in terms of solid waste management stems from the Government of Japan's commitment at the 2nd Japan-Pacific Leaders Meeting in 2000.

It aims to strengthen the monitoring mechanism for solid waste management in line with Cleaner Pacific 2025, organise and promote regional cooperation by utilising regional human resource and sharing good practices in the region, strengthen regional capacity of disaster waste management and examine the practicality and sustainability of the 3R+Return system.

The MOC was signed on 26 October at the SPREP Headquarters in Vailima.