Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2021-2025


The 10th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas held virtually in collaboration with the Government of New Caledonia, and the Pacific Island Roundtable in November 2020, produced and adopted a new Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2021-2025. This new Framework was prepared following extensive consultation, including consultations with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) members, Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas (PIRT) members, regional and international organisations, development partners and NGOs and input from participants to the 10th Pacific Islands Conference.

The new Framework will provide guidance for the region on key priorities for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management for the next five years with linkages to the Global Biodiversity Framework and Sustainable Development Goals. It is broad in scope to fit in with local, national, regional and international priorities and to allow for the successful implementation of the concrete actions at country level.  The new Framework reinforces the role governments, local communities and traditional knowledge, development partners and all key stakeholders play in improving the status of conservation and ecosystem management which are also critical for livelihood and heritage. In addition to this, it also underscores the key role biodiversity and ecosystem services provide in building resilience to the impacts of climate change and other pressing environmental challenges.  

Download a copy of the Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2021-2025 (English)

or Cadre du Pacifique insulaire pour la conservation de la nature et les aires protégées 2021–2025 (French)

Framework for Nature Conservation 2021-2025

Previous Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2014-2020