The following is the CPRT 2018 Agenda, please note that this will be updated as needed.  If you are interested in seeking a particular presentation please do visit this page the day after. We aim to upload all presentations and speeches in pdf format by the end of each day.


provisional programme

Main Conference Room Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji

20 – 22 August 2018

Theme: Pathways to a Pollution – Free Pacific

Roundtable Chair:  Mr. Joshua Wycliffe - Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Community Development, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Waterways & Environment


Day 1

20 August 2018

08:00 - 09:00


09:00 – 10:00

1.1 Opening Ceremony 

Welcome by Dame Meg Taylor, Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Keynote statement by  Honourable Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji

Clean Pacific Roundtable 2018 Statement by Mr Kosi  Latu, Director General of SPREP

11:10 – 11:15

Main Conference Room, PIFS


Plenary Session 1.2 Roundtable Overview by Mr. Joshua Wycliffe,

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Community Development, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Waterways & Environment and Designated Chair, 2018 Clean Pacific Roundtable

11:15 – 12:15

Plenary Session 1.3: Coordinated Actions to Combat Marine Debris

Chair: Ms. Heidi Savelli Soderberg,  Programme Officer Marine Litter, UN Environment

Moderator: Mr. Andrew Irvin, CCMRR Project Officer, International Union for Conservation of Nature Oceania Regional Office


Main Conference Room, PIFS


Session 1.3.1: Policy and economic mechanisms for combating marine debris, plastics and microplastics

Presentation #1: Global framework to address marine debris, plastic and microplastics by Dr. Karen Raubenheimer, Lecturer, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong. (10 mins)

Presentation #2: Fiji’s policy approach to addressing plastics by Mr. Dwain Qalovaki, Principal Consultant Communications Specialist. (10 mins)

Presentation #3: Republic of the Marshall Islands approach to addressing plastics by Mr Jorelik Tibon, Manager, Majuro Atoll Waste Company (10 mins)

Presentation #4: Plasticity by Mr. Doug Woodring,  Founder Ocean Recovery Alliance (10 mins)

Roundtable Discussion (20 mins)

Invited panel member to join the roundtable discussion: Mr. Simon Bennett, General Manager – Sustainable Development, The China Navigation Co Pte Ltd, SWIRE Shipping Co.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. How do we address marine plastics as a global transboundary and intergenerational issue?
  2. What innovative transformational policies have been instituted elsewhere and what is required in the Pacific?
  3. How do we encourage private sector investment to combat marine plastics?

12:15 - 13:15


Side Event #1: GEF7 Chemicals and Waste Information Session/LUNCH

UN Environment.  Lunch hosted by UN Environment

13:15 – 14:20

Plenary Session 1.3: Coordinated Actions to Combat Marine Debris

Chair: Mr. Mark Borg, Team Leader Program Management, PIDF

Moderator: Mr. Andrew Irvin, CCMRR Project Officer, International Union for Conservation of Nature Oceania Regional Office

Main Conference Room, PIFS

Session 1.3.2: Implementation and innovative actions for combating marine debris, plastics and microplastics

Presentation #1: Changing hearts and minds through sporting leaders by Mr. Dwain Qalovaki, Principal Consultant Communications Specialist (10 mins)

Presentation #2: Traditional canoes as a vehicle to reach and connect remote communities by Mr. Colin Philip, President, Fiji Islands Voyaging Society (10 mins)

Presentation #3: Coastal cleanup in communities in Australia by Ms. Heidi Taylor, Tangaroa Blue Foundation, Australian Marine Debris Initiative (10 mins)

Presentation #4: Smart cities progressing towards sustainable production and consumption by Ms Aarsi Sagar, Green Cities Analyst, Global Green Growth Institute (10 mins)

Roundtable Discussion (35 mins)

Invited panel members to join the roundtable discussion:

Mr. Zen Waqavonovono, Precious Plastic Suva.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Where to next? How do we scale up current activities?
  2. What innovative transformational activities are required?
  3. How do we overcome challenges and create opportunities for small island states?
  4. How do we address the role of decentralising management opportunities and responsibilities?

14:30 – 17:00

Session 1.4: Emerging Waste Streams (Parallel Roundtable)

Parallel Session 1.4.A: Planning and Responding to Disaster Wastes in the Main Conference Room, PIFS. 

Chair:  Dr. Kunitoshi Sakurai, Professor Emeritus, Okinawa University and Chairman of the JPRISM Project Council

Moderator: Ms. Cristelle Erica Pratt, Deputy Secretary General, PIFS

Parallel Session 1.4.B: Enhancing proper management of hazardous wastes in the Committee Room A, PIFS

Chair: Dr. Melchior Mataki, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, Government of the Solomon Islands

Moderator: Mr. David Hebblethwaite, SPC (TBC)


Background Presentation: Brief Overview of the Session`s Purpose and expected outcomes.  The Benefits of Proper Planning to Manage Disaster Wastes by Dr. Kunitoshi Sakurai – Professor Emeritus, Okinawa University and Chairman of the JPRISM Project Council (10mins)

Presentation #1: Responses to Disaster Waste Issues in the Pacific: Challenges and Lessons Learned by Mr. Faafetai Sagapolutele – Assistant Chief Advisor, JPRISM Project (10mins)

Presentation #2: Dealing with Disaster Wastes in Japan by Professor Shinichi Sakai (Kyoto University, Japan) and Professor Toshiaki Yoshioka (Tohoku University, Japan) (15mins)

Presentation #3: Way Forward for the development of the DWM Plan through “Disaster Waste Management Guideline in Asia and the Pacificby Professor Misuzu Asari (Kyoto University, Japan) and Mr Makoto Tsukiji (JSMCWM) (25mins)

Presentation #4: Promoting Resilience in Managing Disaster Wastes: Linkage to the FRDP TBC  (10mins)

Presentation #5: Panel Kick-Start (20mins)

  • Mr. Afele Faiilagi, ACEO, Department of Environment and Conservation, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment, Samoa
  • Mr. Filimone Kata Lapaoo, Senior Environmentalist, Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications, Tonga
  • Mr Sunia Ratulevu, Principal Risk Management Research, National Disaster Management office, Fiji (TBC)

Roundtable Discussion (60mins)

Key Discussion Points:

  1. What are the key messages learnt from dealing with disaster wastes in the Pacific? How can countries prepare to tackle challenges faced in previous post-disaster actions through development of the DWM plan?
  2. What external support is needed by countries to properly manage disaster wastes? What regional mechanisms should be put in place to optimise internal and external resources allocated during disasters?
  3. How can approaches for climate change resilience be linked to disaster waste management?


Background Presentation: Managing hazardous wastes and chemicals at the national level – the Solomon Islands’ case by Dr. Melchior Mataki, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, Government of Solomon Islands (10mins)

Presentation #1: Capacity building through regional institutions – Chemical Training for Pacific Island Countries, the USP experience by Dr. Johann Poinapen, Director, Head, Institute of Applied Sciences, The University of the South Pacific (15mins)

Presentation #2: Managing hazardous waste regionally  – the asbestos story through the PacWaste Project Mr. John O’Grady, Director, Araspring Ltd, Nelson, New Zealand (10mins)

Presentation #3: Managing hazardous waste nationally – the Papua New Guinea experience (10mins) by Mr. Kori Chan, General Manager (Director), Total Waste Management Company, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Presentation #4: Managing hazardous waste regionally – the importance of regional policy guidance in the Pacific by Dr. David Haynes, Principal, GoingTroppo Consulting, Franklin, Tasmania, Australia  (10mins)

Presentation #5: Panel Kick Start (30mins)

  • Hon. Andrew Yatilman, Secretary, Department of Environment, Climate Change, & Emergency Management, FSM
  • Mr. Bryan Star, Director for Environment, Nauru
  • Mr. Hamoa Holona, Acting Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development, Tuvalu
  • Mr. Ray Anthony Sabian Masga, Manager Director/Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality, Division of Environmental Quality, CNMI

Roundtable Discussion (40mins)

Key Discussion Points:

  1. What are the important issues that are needed to make an efficient and sustainable hazardous waste management system?  How can Pacific island countries prepare to tackle the key challenges faced in the management of hazardous waste at the national level?
  2. What external support, especially regional and global support, is needed by countries to properly manage hazardous wastes and chemicals at the national and transboundary level? What mechanisms should be put in place to optimise internal and external resources allocated during disasters?
  3. How can the lessons learned from national and regional projects be used in improving the management of hazardous waste in future projects or interventions? How can the best practices be replicated in future projects or interventions?


17:00 – 17:30


Coffee Break

17:30 – 18:00


Session 1.5: Information Session on the Country Profiles by Mr. Jack Whelan, Secretariat Manager, PRIF

18:00 – 19:30


Side Event #2: Networking Session (Speed Dating) among Partners

Facilitator: Ms. Nanette Woonton, Communications Adviser, SPREP

19:30 – 21:00


Welcome Dinner/Cocktails

Hosted by: SPREP and the Government of Fiji


Day 2

21 August 2018

08:30 – 10:00

Session 2.1: Sustainable Waste Management (Plenary Roundtable)

08:30 – 08:50

Main Conference Room, PIFS

Introduction by the Chair Mr. Joshua Wycliffe - Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Community Development, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Waterways & Environment

Keynote Address by Mr. Christoph Wagner, Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific

09:00 – 10:00


Plenary Session 2.2: Progress on Existing Sustainable Mechanisms in Waste Management

Moderator: Hon Andrew Yatilman, Secretary, Department of Environment and Emergency Management, FSM


Palau’s Beverage Container Deposit Legislation   Mr. Calvin Ikesil, Manager/Solid Waste Office, Bureau of Public Works, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Industry and Commerce, Palau

Kiribati’s Te ‘Kaoki Maange’ recycling projectMs. Taouea Titaake-Reiher, Deputy Director, Environment and Conservation Division, Kiribati

RMI’s Iokwe Bag System – Mr. Jorelik Tibon, General Manager/Majuro Atoll Waste Company, RMI

Sustainable Operation of the Naboro Landfill, FijiMrs. Sainimili Bulai, Acting Sr. Environmental Officer, Waste Management, Dept. of Environment, Fiji

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 – 13:00


Plenary Session 2.3: Regional Coordination in Recycling

Chair: Ms. Marina Keil, President, Samoa Recycling and Waste Management Association

Moderator: Ms. Ileana Miritescu, Programme Manager/Climate Change, Energy, Circular Economy, Delegation for the European Union for the Pacific


Background Presentation: The Drawbacks of Recycling in the Pacific by Ms. Marina Keil, President, Samoa Recycling and Waste Management Association (10mins)

Presentation #1: Creating Awareness on Recycling by Ms. Nafiza Ali, Acting Senior Asst. Health Inspector, Nadi Town Council (10mins)

Presentation #2: Outcomes of the Resource Circulation Study in the Pacific Region by Ms. Anne Prince, CEO of Prince Consulting, Australia (20mins)

Presentation #3: Addressing Shipping Constraints of Recyclables in the Pacific: The Moana Taka Partnership by Mr. Simon Bennett, General Manager – Sustainable Development, The China Navigation Co Pte Ltd, Swire Shipping. (20mins)

Presentation #4 (Panel Kick-start): Coordinated Mechanisms in Developing Public-Private Partnerships (20mins)

  • Ms. Premila Chandra, Acting Senior Health Inspector, Nadi Town Council
  • Ms. Caroline Rantien, Manager, French Agency for Environment and Energy Savings in New Caledonie/ADEME
  • Mr. Haden Talagi, Acting Director Department of Environment/ Department of Environment, Niue

Roundtable Discussion (60 mins)

Key Discussion Points:

  1. What are the limitations of establishing a recycling network in the Pacific Region?
  2. What are the opportunities for shifting the paradigm in regional transport to handle the reverse logistics required by waste recovery?
  3. How do we mobilise or modify the recommendations provided in the resource circulation study?
  4. What are the best and most immediately deployable mechanisms to enable a coordinated recycling and remanufacturing programme in the Pacific?

13:00 – 14:00


Side Event #3 Global and Pacific Marine Litter Actions/LUNCH

Ms. Heidi Savelli Soderberg, Programme Officer Marine Litter, UN Environment.  Lunch hosted by: UN Environment

14:15 – 16:45

Session 2.4: Enabling Systems in Waste Management (Parallel Roundtable)

Parallel Session 2.4.A: Boosting tourism through proper waste management in the Committee Room A Chair: Ms. Fantasha Lockington,  CEO of Fiji Hotels and Tourism Association

Moderator: Ms. Alisi Tuqa, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO)

Background Presentation: Enhancing a Vibrant Tourism through Promotion of Proper Waste Management by Ms. Fantasha Lockington, CEO of Fiji Hotels and Tourism Association  (10 mins)

Presentation #1: The challenges and opportunities of waste collection from the tourism sector by Mr. Paul Evers, Manager, HG Leach (Fiji) Ltd.  (10 mins)

Presentation #2: Regional Perspective of Waste Management in the Context of Sustainable Tourism Development by Ms. Christina Leala-Gale, Sustainable Tourism Development Manager, South Pacific Tourism Organisation  (10 mins)


Presentation #3 (Panel Kick-start): Integrating Tourism Issues into National Waste and Pollution Management Strategies (40mins)

  • Mr. Joseph Brider, Director, National Environment Service, Cook Islands
  • Mr. Reedly Alfred Tari, Director, Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment Division, Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation (DEPC), Ministry of Climate Change, Environment, Energy, Meteorology and Disaster Management, Vanuatu
  • Ms. Sandeep Singh, Director of Environment, Fiji
  • Mr. Brian Melairei, Director, Bureau of Public Works, Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Industry and Commerce, Palau

Roundtable Discussion: (60 mins)

Key Discussion Points:

  1. What are the major challenges of integrating ecological considerations in the tourism industry? How can these challenges be transformed into opportunities, and what role do both the public and private sector play in this process?
  2. What are the best avenues for exploring the potential for eco-tourism growth in the Pacific?
  3. How can the tourism sector, including tourism transport, contribute to the countries’ waste management initiatives? How do we establish institutional mechanisms to enable strong linkages between the tourism and waste sectors regionally and nationally?
  4. How can ecological waste management in the tourism industry contribute to sustainable tourism development in the Pacific Region?


Parallel Session 2.4.B: Further Enhancement of Regional Capacity in Waste Management in the Main Conference Room

Chair: Dr. Sunil Herat, Senior Lecturer in Waste Management, Griffith University

Moderator: Dr. Vincent Lal, Manager, Laboratory Services, Institute of Applied Sciences, USP

Background Presentation: The Benefits of Sustaining Capacity Development in the Pacific based on the AFD/GEFPAS Regional Waste Management Trainings Dr. Sunil Herat, Senior Lecturer in Waste Management, Griffith University  (10 mins)

Presentation #1: The Flexible Learning Approach in Waste Management in the Pacific Towards Accredited Competency Dr. Johann Poinapen – Director, Institute of Applied Sciences, USP  (10 mins)

Presentation #2: Broadening Perspective on Waste Management in the Pacific through Research Initiatives  by Prof. Alan Broadfoot - Director, Newcastle Institute for Energy and Resources, University of Newcastle(10mins)

Presentation #3: Developing a System to Sustain the Pacific-to-Pacific Cooperation Training by Ms. Yasuko Onoue, Capacity Development Coordinator, J-PRISM2(15 mins)

Presentation #4 (Panel Kickstart): Human Capacity Needs of Pacific Island Countries on Waste Management in the Outset (30mins)

Roundtable Discussion: (60mins)

Key Discussion Points:

  1. What are your thoughts on having specialised skills on waste management? How can these skills be integrated into the current institutional arrangements in the Pacific?
  2. How can knowledge uptake from capacity building initiatives be optimised to improve delivery of waste services? What could drive trainees to put knowledge into good practice and what challenges are likely to be faced?
  3. How do you find the elements of the PPCT system proposed by J-PRISM in the context of improvements in training systems?
  4. Which institutions can most readily provide suitable learning options under current conditions? How can systems be enabled to address learning challenges and provide skills to necessary parties across the region?

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee Break

17:30 – 18:15



Side Event #5: Launching of the Pacific SWM Guidebook

Facilitator: Mr. Faafetai Sagapolutele, Asst. Chief Adviser, J-PRISM and Ms. Ma. Bella GuintoSolid Waste Management Adviser, SPREP

Hosted by: JICA-J-PRISM

18:15 – 20:00


Cocktail & Observation of the Posters Display (Good Waste Management Practices in the countries)


Day 3

22 August 2018

08:30 – 10:00

Session 3.1: Governance of the 2020 Clean Pacific Roundtable (CPRT)

Chaired by Mr Joshua Wycliffe, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Community Development, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Waterways & Environment

Moderated by Dr. Vicki Hall, Director, WMPC, SPREP


Consultation on the Terms of Reference of the CPRT

Election of the 2020 CPRT Steering Committee

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:00

Session 3.2: Resolution and Outcomes (Plenary Roundtable)

Chair: Mr. Joshua Wycliffe, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Community Development, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Waterways & Environment


Chair’s Summary of Roundtable Discussions and Way Forward (Resolutions and Outcome Statement)

12:00 – 12:15

Session 3.3: Closing Ceremony



Feedback from Participants

Closing Remarks:

Mr. Joshua Wycliffe, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Community Development, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Waterways & Environment

Mr. Kosi Latu, Director General, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

12:15 – 13:30


LUNCH – Working lunch – Meeting of Technical Working Groups

Presentation: Combating Marine Plastic Litter and Microplastics by Dr. Karen Raubenheimer, ANCORS, University of Wollongong, Australia


Lunch hosted by: EU

13:30 - 15:00  




Day 3

22 August 2018

14:00 – 17:00


Session 3.3: Consultation on the Solid Waste Monitoring Indicators

Presentation #1: Ensuring More Informed Decisions in Waste Management by Dr. Vicki Hall, Director, Waste Management and Pollution Control, SPREP

Presentation #2: Tracking Improvements in Waste Management in Lautoka, Fiji by Shalend Prem Singh, Senior Health Inspector, Lautoka City Council

Presentation #3: Framing Indicators for the Waste and Pollution Sector: Key Considerations by Rebecca V Polestico, M&E Adviser, SPREP

Presentation #4: J-PRISM by Kunitoshi Sakurai, Dr. Eng. Professor Emeritus, Okinawa University, Chairman of the JPRISM Project Council

Presentation #5: Solid Waste Management - Monitoring Indicators by Ma. Bella Guinto, SWM Adviser, SPREP and Mahmoud Riad, J-PRISM Expert

Facilitated by: J-PRISM Project Team and Ma. Bella Guinto, Solid Waste Management Adviser, SPREP

18:00 – 21:00

Cocktails hosted by SWIRE


Day 4

23 August 2018

08:30 – 12:30

Session 4.1: Pre-Inception Workshop of the Pacific-European Union Waste Management Programme (PacWaste Plus)

Presentation #1: PacWaste

Presentation #2: EDF11 - PacWaste Plus

Presentation #3: PacWaste in FSM

Presentation #4: Pacific Community

Facilitated by: WMPC Team, SPREP and EU Delegation

12:30 – 14:00

Side Event #6: Launching a Regional Cooperation Framework Between SPREP and the Global Green Growth Institute/LUNCH

Facilitated by: SPREP and GGGI

14:00 – 16:00

Continuation of PacWaste Plus Pre-Inception Workshop

16:00 – 18:00

Side Event #7: AFD Project Consultation


Day 5

24 August 2018

08:30 – 17:00

Session 5: J-PRISM2 2nd Steering Committee Meeting

Facilitated by: J-PRISM2 Project Team


Day 6

25 August 2018

08:00 – 12:00

Session 6: Marine Litter and Microplastics Data Collection Training


Facilitated by: Mr. Anthony Talouli & Ms. Heidi Taylor,  Tangaroa Blue Foundation